Monday, March 7, 2011

New Orchids in my house

I visited the Metropolitan Lawn and Garden show again in February. This time I spent nearly the entire time with the orchid vendors. And, again, I was jazzed. It's really kind of strange how fascinated I am by flowers!

So I walked away with two orchids and here they are.

This one is a lady slipper orchid. I love the deep maroon color. But possibly the best part is the foliage. the mottled leave are gorgeous. And, since this orchid will only bloom about once every nine months or so, enjoying the foliage might be important. I heard it has nearly the same requirements as my two Phalaenopsis. All I know is that it looks really nice sitting in the tray of pebbles with them.

My other new addition is this interesting beauty. It loves the outdoors and I hear grows new shoots like crazy. I already have one showing up since bringing it home. And each new shoot will bear a spray of these pink and white flowers. Compared to most other orchids the individual flowers look upside-down.

Look closely here and you can see what I mean. And besides that, isn't it awesome that you get so many!  I placed the plant where I can see it through the window when I walk up to my front door. It just makes me smile to see them. The plant itself is really tall, the stalks are held up by a hoop that wraps around a stake. According to the grower, if I repot this in a heavy enough pot, it would flop over and be pretty trailing from a shelf. I'm planning to give that a try.

Happy nearly spring wishes - my crocus are blooming already :-)