Sunday, August 4, 2013

Update on the Prairie Garden

At the end of June in 2010 I wrote about my pitiful planting of prairie flowers and grasses. So I wanted to show you how it turned out.

First, here's how the original planting in the hard-packed clay looked shortly after the sunroom was finished:

Not very pretty. Well, it's a little better now, 3+ years later. Here's a view from approximately the same angle:

That's a little better. And, by the way, I have to say that this is the first year that the Prairie Dock (large leaved plant in the foreground) has really looked beautiful.

But this view doesn't really do the planting justice. Here's a view from the front door:

And even's another view from the street:

And finally, here's a view from my favorite place - the sunroom. (notice I finally broke down and got a few koi for my pond)

Yep! For me this is heaven. And it's right there out my window. The best part is that it only requires about one day a week of maintenance to look this pretty. The rest of the time it's just pretty. Of course, I can't look for very long without wanting to be out in it :-).

Happy planting!