Monday, January 18, 2010

A Winter Flower Fix

There is a thaw afoot. My dormant lawn shows through in patches throughout the snow that was solid white just a few days ago. Moisture is everywhere. There is water dripping in the downspouts and for the moment the air smells of spring. This is my signal to start impatient foot-tapping and searching from my windows with binoculars for sprouting crocus or buds on the trees. I know, it's still only January. Winter still has time to freeze everything solid several more times. But that won't matter. I want to be the first to spy the signs of life. My new neighbors, I'm sure, will think I'm spying in their windows :-)

As I wait for my sunroom to be constructed, the plants crammed into my living room provide a helpful flower fix.

A peek over the back of my loveseat gives me this shocking splash of bright pink. The tiny non-hardy azalea my husband gave me for my birthday 3 years ago has struggled to survive. But, this year, on the floor next to the wall of windows in my living room, it has exploded with blooms for weeks. It's thriving.

This summer it will get a bigger pot and a nice spot next to the pond (that, like the sunroom, doesn't exist yet).

My new house has also been a good thing for my African violet. Next to the east-facing windows it has bloomed continuously this winter. I can't complain about the beauty its purple blooms have always added to my home. But I am a little anxious about repotting this large plant. As you can see it's large stem has tumbled over the edge of the pot. It's almost so heavy on one side that it tips the pot. In addition, several new plants have sprouted from the stem's base. This plant is the result of repotting last summer to put the plant back in the center and to separate several sprouts. I think this is the old main plant and that all the sprouts I tried to separate died. I'll cross my fingers that I end up with at least one plant like this one again. With a little luck maybe I'll have sprouts survive that I can give away, too.

I think I should add another violet of a different color for next winter. I'll have more room in the sunroom. Hmmm - does this mean I'm addicted? :-)

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