Sunday, November 17, 2013


Well, on October 9-ish, 2013, we finally began building our home (with the help of our builder, Rick Robson). We learned from a text that the excavation had happened.

So, of course, we had to drive out to the farm and take a look. Here's what we saw.
Brent standing at the corner where the garage will meet the house.
In case you'd like to see more photos and views of the excavation, here's a link to the Picasa Web Album: Initial Excavation photos

That weekend we left for a trip to south Missouri. When we returned, there were trenches dug for the footings:
This is the trench for the footing of the South wall of the house.
That is Jeremy, our youngest. He's really a lot taller than that. The trench is only 4' deep.
And last week, forms were built for the footings. After the trenches were dug our area received A LOT of rain and then more rain. But, eventually things dried out. On my birthday, we took the day off work to see how things were going and meet Steve Mann to get some idea about the garden space. Here's how the forms were shaping up.
Forms for footings - not finished.
Still not much to look at, but we're starting to get a good idea how big rooms will be downstairs and can image a little better how well we've captured the views. We are loving it!

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