Monday, January 27, 2014

Backhoe Brent has been making progress

Brent by the earth from the greenhouse foundation excavation
That's a lot of shoveling! Brent has completed excavating both the west and east sides of the foundation. He digs a very neat trench and has a pretty detailed plan for using the salvaged cinder blocks from the house as the base of this greenhouse. It will be the first of the working structures on the farm - and my home-away-from (but still very close to) - home.
South side of garage showing "door" to greenhouse and foundation
I love being able to visualize the size of the space now that both sides are in. Brent has actually started the trench for the south wall of the greenhouse too. Lucky for me, he loves spending time out at the farm. And the fact that he also likes being productive - and is capable of designing and building - is about the most awesome thing ever! (Yes, I have to pinch myself often.)

So, even though the construction of the house is moving kind of slowly right now, rest assured that there are still things happening and growing at our little farm :-)

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