Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Cisterns and house guests

Last weekend our trip to the farm included some visiting family. Brent's brother Bryan and his wife Janna stayed with us in Shawnee and we had the opportunity on Sunday to drive out to the farm to see the progress.

While we were there we did some work. It was fun work, though. Janna and I folded up blankets to represent the floor space that will be occupied by the living room furniture. We needed to find a good spot for an electrical outlet in the floor. This seemed a good way to make sure it wouldn't end up in an inconvenient (or unsightly) spot.
Janna and Bryan with placeholders for the living room furniture.
I had a lot of fun imagining sitting in that room with Brent, relaxing after a day of work on the farm :-) and enjoyed having Janna and Bryan there for a visit.

We also saw that some work had been done to install the cisterns. They have switched positions from those that were noted with spray paint. The 1000 gal. tank is on the West side and appears to be ready for back fill.
1000 gallon cistern placed just West of the house.
So the 2000 gallon tank that was originally going to be on the West side will now be on the East side. It hadn't been placed yet due to some wet weather.

Brent and Bryan standing next to the uninstalled 2000 gallon tank.

Excavated area just outside the Summer Kitchen door where the 2000 gallon cistern will be.
I am very excited to be able to capture 3000 gallons of rain water for irrigating our garden. It should help us minimize the expense of that very necessary resource.

In the photo above, you can see the pasture and farther out, just past the tree, is the spot where the lateral lines for our septic system are installed. It appears that area is nearly finished. And, after walking down to the draw, Brent and I noticed that both of the little pecans are still alive. One, unfortunately, was run over by the excavation equipment. But it was not excavated and was still green. I was very pleasantly surprised and now I'm hopeful that both trees will survive. So there's still a chance they will provide some pecans before I'm 60!

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