Monday, August 18, 2014

Retaining walls are done

Last weekend our hard-working "rock guy" finished placing all the rocks for the retaining walls. They look beautiful and I will love creating gardens around them.

We've taken photos along the way, but here are some of the areas that were finished this weekend.
Steps leading up to the Summer Kitchen on the east side of the house

Short retaining walls on the west side
Last weekend also saw a new crew that worked on completing another step in the sheetrock installation. They applied the tape and corners. Here's how it looked when they were done.
Shelves near west window in Master Bedroom
Corner and top of the Coat Closet near the entry
This week should see finishing of the sheetrock. And, while that is happening other outdoor work can start now that the retaining walls are done. Brent and I will have 2 palettes of smaller stones delivered to finish off the retaining wall around the maple tree near the front porch. That needs to happen before the final grade can be started.

In addition, I am prepping for the delivery of the pole barn kit we purchased to house our little herd of alpacas. The posts for the fence near the draw were delivered on Saturday and I got word that the kit for the barn will arrive at the property on Monday the 25th. That's a week or two earlier than I thought!

Greg Wheeler, the "rock guy," will be focused on leveling the building site for our barn now. It will, hopefully, be a small job for him before he takes his much-needed and deserved vacation in September.

Things are progressing very quickly now. We are excited and exhausted...and happy :-) 

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