Thursday, February 13, 2014

Winter in Paradise

Every winter, right about now, I start getting really tired of cold weather. Tired, impatient, irritable, grumpy. Luckily, in addition to my little collection of orchids and my wonderful husband and boys, I share my home with a lot of plants that flower in winter.

So, just in case you get a little bit of a smile when you see a flower, here are a few snapshots from around my home.
giant red amaryllis by the front door

pink cyclamen - a gift from Margaret

pink amaryllis in our bedroom

the "Thanksgiving" cactus blooming for the second time

waterlily begonia with its pretty cloud of pale pink blossoms
I hope these make you smile too. They choose this time of year to work their magic just to cheer up the cold for us, I think.

There hasn't been much visible progress on the new house at the farm. But things are progressing nonetheless. The details are being pulled together and finalized in preparation for the SIPS panel order and the roof and floor truss orders. Those items will, pretty-much, form the house.

And the next time these flowers appear they will keep us smiling in a sunnier and warmer space at Happy Apple's Farm. That's a thought to keep me smiling.

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