Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tomato seedlings

Pink Brandywine and Pineapple tomato seedlings
Here is a quick snapshot of my first try at starting tomatoes from seed. I have one flat of an heirloom variety called Pink Brandywine and another of my favorite from last summer called Pineapple (it was incredibly sweet). It took them about 5 days to come up and I left them covered for about a week. They have been uncovered now for a few days.

Next weekend the plan is to move them to individual jiffy pots. They should be easy to share with my friends and neighbors that way. Truly, I wasn't expecting the seed packets I purchased would contain so many. But if they all live and grow well, it will be a lot of fun to have something to share.

Next weekend I'll also attempt to start some peppers. I've collected some seeds from the bright yellow and red peppers I bought at the store. It should be a fun experiment.

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