Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Painting (with a lot of help!)

Now that we have the floor and cabinets installed it's time to paint and, boy, is that a big job!

Brent's dad, Bob, flew in from Washington state to give us a hand last week and over the weekend. The previous weekend Brent's brother, Bryan, drove up from Springfield, MO. The three of them put primer over the whole interior (main floor and lower level). And by the end of the weekend they had painted the ceiling in the large family room and were ready to paint color on the walls.

Bob taping around the kitchen window.

Brent and his dad taking a break for a picture.

Finally, we got to see the color. Beautiful!
We still have a ways to go. Getting everything painted seems a never-ending job but it really does make it seem much less like a construction site and more like a house. The walls look so clean!

I am so inexpressibly thankful for these hard-working Ragsdale guys who made it possible. There is no way we could have done this big job ourselves in any reasonable timeframe - and no way to thank them enough.

So, THANKS, Bob and Bryan. We definitely owe you a big favor (probably several). You guys are the best!

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