Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Chickens are in the coop and acting very grown up

Well, we found out, for sure, today that Dot is Nottadot (or Donny, we haven't landed on a good name that isn't female). He crowed for me this morning!
Here's Donny!
I had a great time building that chicken coop out of the salvaged lumber and the construction waste we have accumulated. With all the rain, it was helpful to get the corrugated roof on so things could stay dry. And it must have been comfortable also, because it very quickly attracted a pretty kitty, Patches. She started sleeping in the nest boxes. And now we have adopted her :-)
Patches, our new barn cat checking out the pop door on the coop.
So, after I finished all of the doors, Patches started staying in the Summer Kitchens and the chickens started living in their coop. It's been about 2 weeks and they have adjusted very well. It only took them 2 days to start going back in at night on their own, which is A LOT easier than chasing them around the run (good thing Brent didn't think fast enough to get a video; it would've gone viral). I still give them a night light when I close their door, but I didn't end up camping out like I thought I would.
Their first trip out the pop door and down the ramp to the run.
Today, I actually let them out of the run. Well, only 5 of them - Basil and Rae couldn't find the door. We've noticed how much they love to eat grass, so I risked giving them a few minutes of freedom to find out how easy it will be to get them back to the run. And, after they pecked around a little off the edge of the concrete (and Thistle made a trip around the side of the run), I shooed them back in very easily.
Donny and three girls checking out the real ground
(Thistle is in the background with his tail in the air)
I think tomorrow they will get a good taste of the real outdoors. And I'll take Doogle over to see them on a leash. He may be the most dangerous predator around! Luckily, his wireless fence keeps him away from the coop. Now we just need to teach the chickens to run the right direction if they cross into his space. 

Okay, so maybe there is no teaching a chicken, but I'm trying it anyway!

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