Tuesday, June 23, 2015

New neighbors

Last weekend the alpacas were fascinated by the happenings in the pasture next door.
The boys getting a close look into the neighboring pasture.
They saw five little goats! Our new neighbors had their goats delivered on Sunday. There is one pregnant Nubian doe, one black pygmy doe with her one-week-old baby, and two white pygmy wethers.
The objects of their curiosity.
I had to get a closeup of the little baby. She's so tiny it's hard to see her in the grass.
The little baby girl. She doesn't have a name yet.
That little one might be tiny but you know she's around. Her sweet little voice is easy to pick out among the other goat voices in the tall grass. And that little herd had the attention of our relatively big herd every time they made a peep (or bleat).

I like these new neighbors :-)

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