Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Even more butterflies

I think this one is pretty common. It's an Easter Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus). It was the first to find the purple coneflowers I transplanted into the front yard.

This butterfly was in the island garden amongst that huge mass of purple coneflowers. This is a Common Buckeye (Junonio coenia). Although it's mostly brown, the large circular "eye" on it's wings are quite striking.
Here's another brown one. I think his one is a Great Spangled Fritillary (Speyeria cybele). Click on the butterfly name to check out the species description. On the description page there is a link that will show more images. It's a little faded, but the markings on the underside of it's wings look identical to me. It was a large butterfly, which also fits the Butterflies and Moths specied description.

Every weekend I appreciate that huge mass of coneflowers more. These are only the butterflies I could capture in a photo. There are lots more that just won't hold still long enough for a photo. I'll keep chasing them, though. It makes me feel like a kid again :-)

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