Friday, July 16, 2010

Plains coreopsis

Here's the newest addition to my prairie garden in the front yard. It's plains coreopsis (Coreopsis tinctoria). On my trip to Arkansas last weekend I saw this growing everywhere along the roadsides in the southwest corner of Missouri and as I traveled in the northwest part of Arkansas.

These plants are annuals that self-seed easily (from what I hear- and observed along the roadsides). I think they will add a lot of color and fullness to the area around the edge of the pond and perhaps fill in among the grasses and other prairie plants in the front yard next year. I usually shy away from annuals, but I like these. They're very pretty :-)

By the way, I'm really looking forward to the filling in part in the prairie garden. It looks very sparse right now. But, on the brighter side, I see new shoots on most of the plants, even the ones like the Monarda and rosinweed that have suffered from my dogs running through the garden. And this weekend I'll add some purple coneflowers from the island garden in the backyard and rudbeckia from an area near the vegetable garden. That should help.

I believe I'll install more of those ugly wire fences to keep the dogs out until I can move the underground fence. They protected the spring bulbs and the daylilies along the sidewalk this spring. I removed them when the daylilies filled in. And they were just a little ugly for just a little while :-)

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