Sunday, August 8, 2010

Pond happenings

My pond is a real blessing this time of the year. In my part of Missouri we need rain and it's scorching hot. Everything is shriveled and dry - except the pond.

In the photo above you can see one of the reasons I'm loving my pond. I get an occasional waterlily bloom to brighten the day. Only one of the 3 water lilies in my pond has bloomed regularly this summer. I bought this one 1/2 price from a grower that sets up a stand in the parking lot of my grocery store. Amazingly, it appears much healthier than the pink one that cost 3 times as much from my local garden center. I figure I'm lucky to get blooms at all since all three are new this year.

I've also noticed two bullfrogs inhabiting my pond. Last night this frog (or maybe it was the other one - I can't tell them apart) was sitting outside the water. And today he was out again. I would have thought the rocks would be too hot. But maybe hot is refreshing for frogs.

In the quietest times, it's fun to search the pond to see if I can spy both frogs. I'm usually lucky to see one. They like hiding in wait for unfortunate dragonflies. I actually saw them catch one. I had no idea until that day that they would leap into the air to get their dinner. It made a pretty good splash and surprised the heck out of me.

Here's one in a more normal setting in some grass near the waterfall. Pretty sneaky, I think.

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