Sunday, August 1, 2010

A walk in the woods

Today I walked a trail through a nearby park, Landahl Park, and saw a couple of plants flowering along the path. I'm always on the lookout for flowers that look good in the shade and one in particular seems to love it. It's American bellflower. I've seen the plants listed as Campanulastrum americanum and also as Campanula americana. The Missouri Plants website lists it under the second name.

It's blue flowers are striking and open along straight standing stems. The ones I saw today were growing very near the path. I imaging with a little more light and planted in groups these flowers will make a beautiful show.

The other shade-loving plant was new to me. It had small sweet pea-like flowers on branched stems. I'll have to bring my camera on my next walk to snap a few pictures. My memory might not have captured enough details to identify this one :-)

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