Tuesday, May 6, 2014

CAMELIDynamics workshop

A few months ago, I read a book - a really good one - called The Camelid Companion by Mary McGee Bennett. And last weekend I actually met the author. I attended her CAMELIDynamics workshop in Defiance, Missouri.
Mary showing us the "bracelet" and using a "packed" catch pen

For anyone who has never handled alpacas before or even people who have but want to make things easier, this workshop is perfect. It provided ample opportunity to be around the animals and test the information Marty shared in lectures. Now I feel pretty confident that I'm not going to scare my lovely charges to death (nor will they scare me) while I do my best to care for them.

working with veterinarian Nancy on an ear infection
Defiance, Missouri, is beautiful!
It was perfect, weather and everything. If I could change one thing, it would be to have brought and applied sunscreen. I have a wicked sunburn :-)

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