Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Today we met with Bob McCartney of McCartney Cabinets to measure for the kitchen cabinets and saw that our windows have been installed. The front door is also at the property but hasn't been installed yet. It all looks really awesome!

Here are the usual photos showing all the sides of the house.
from the parking area
from the West
Southwest corner
South side with Dave Robson and Brent (look at all those windows!)
Southeast corner
West side (notice the little dog door by the double doors?)

Northwest corner

 We are so pleased. And it was really fun to finally see the windows in the two downstairs bedrooms on the east side. The lap siding is also starting to look pretty nice. You can see it on the garage and Summer Kitchen. It is really starting to look like a home :-)

The only snafu is those double-doors on the Summer Kitchen. They are supposed to open out. Right now, they are opening in. Not sure how that will be resolved. But, if that's the worst thing that happens, I definitely will not be complaining.

On an even brighter note, the two dogwoods that I thought were dead are alive! Not only that, but the persimmon seedlings we planted have almost all leafed out, the elderberry seedlings appear to be thriving and we have lots of apples starting to form.

I'd say we enjoyed our visit :-)

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