Saturday, January 3, 2015

Nice weather means work outside...

Finally, there were a couple of warm days over our holiday break from work. Brent took the opportunity to tackle a big job - the roof trusses for the barn. I helped a little but, mostly, Brent, Jeremy and Blaine did all the barn work.

Brent cutting off the last 6 poles.

The first truss is up!
In all, 3 of the 7 trusses were raised yesterday.

While the guys were working on the barn, I piddled around and tried to stay busy. One of the projects I landed on was making a feeder for the alpacas. Here's what I came up with:
My first try at an alpaca feeder. I only had to cut 3 boards!
My feeder was made entirely out of lumber from the construction waste. We have a lot of good lumber. The challenge was finding the right size pieces rather than cutting more up and leaving more waste.

My little project didn't make a dent in our piles of waste.
I better get started on that chicken coop!
In addition, Jeremy helped me extend the space the alpacas have available for grazing. We doubled the size of their space and they seemed ecstatic! I think it was the first time I saw them run. It was also the first time I realized how easy it is to contain them. It took several tries to convince them they could move past the old fence posts.

 At the end of the day yesterday, this is how the alpacas' enclosure looked. Their temporary roof was back in place, but you can see the beginnings of the "real" roof to come. Their feeder is in their barn and they have new grass to graze.
Lots of progress for the alpacas.
I'd say we had a productive couple of days :-)

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