Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Progress on the barn

Brent, Jeremy and I had a long weekend due to the Martin Luther King, Jr., holiday. So we took the opportunity to tackle one very difficult part of the barn construction - the roof.
Brent and Jeremy applying metal to the south side of the roof.
Really, it was almost all Brent and Jeremy. There are some real disadvantages to being short. Their long limbs worked much more efficiently than my short ones moving between trusses and handing metal and tools across long distances.

We started on the north side of the building on Saturday. We spent over half a day on Friday reviewing the plans and researching the application of metal trim and insulation. So we understood the sequence of application and where adjustments would be needed to the framing.

There was also a problem to solve: how to stand on the roof to attach the metal after the bubble wrap insulation was applied. You can see in the photo above that Brent devised a ladder that could be moved as each metal panel was attached.

As luck would have it our first day, Saturday, was incredibly windy! That helped us understand the need for those other boards you see on the roof in the picture. Those are helping hold the insulation down. The staples we used are no match for the wind. The north side blew off in a couple of places before we got it covered with metal. But it still looks good.

The alpacas don't know what to think of their new space yet. They seem to be wondering why we have things in the way of their favorite bathroom spot :-)

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