Monday, May 3, 2010

Hesperis matronalis - that's what it is

Hesperis matronalis is also called Dame's rocket.
This is the plant I recently mentioned I couldn't identify. But, with the help of the Missouri Plants website, I found the species name. The site has great close up photos that are very helpful.

Unfortunately, when I searched for this plant on MoBot's plant finder, I learned it's an invasive weed. It's really too bad because the plant is lovely and the flowers are fragrant. After reading that the plant is invasive, I noticed that it is blooming in the woods along the railroad track behind my house and in woody areas on vacant lots - kind of everywhere.

I'll be sorry to see this one go from my garden :-(

Maybe I can remove the seed heads and keep one or two plants??? Darn, it's tough to be principled.

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