Monday, May 3, 2010

White Throated Sparrow

Remember I mentioned a little bird whose song sounded like a thinly whistled "old Sam Peabody-Peabody-Peabody"? That was when it was still frigid the tress were bare. Well the little birds are still around and I got a close-up look at a few near a window of my sunroom.

The little one pictured here is missing his tail feathers. But he is definitely the most frequent visitor to the area beneath the feeder by the window near my desk. I hear and see many others, including one with the alternate tan striped head. They are cute little birds with a fun and easily identifiable song that hop around in the mulch and fallen leaves. They are a tiny bit smaller than a house sparrow (the non-natives that are everywhere) and have a bright white throat and black and white striped crown.

You can read more about this bird on the All About Birds site.

It makes me happy to know they like my garden enough to hang around for a while. I think they tend to nest farther north than Missouri, but it might be nice if they decided to raise their family here in my messy garden :-)

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