Saturday, May 8, 2010

Tulip tree or tulip poplar

The other day when I looked up at the large tree in my neighbor's yard I saw this; a pair of very pretty and large yellow-green and orange flowers. I noticed the tree last fall and thought it was a tulip tree, Liriodendron tulipifera. These flowers confirm it. This is a huge tree with pendulous branches. I'm guessing the tree is well over 40 feet tall. It stands west of my house providing shade for my sunroom; shade that sparkles with light as the sun sets and a wind flutters those large leaves. Wow.

I have to tell you that I really, really love the view from my desk in the newly finished sunroom. Sights like this are enough to make this goofy plant freak teary-eyed . . . and happy.


  1. I love this flower. I have 4 tulip poplars that I planted soon after I bought my house. They are already taller than the house and provide great shade. They didn't start blooming until a couple years ago. I talked to a lady Friday that said they don't bloom until there about 15 years old. They are loaded with blooms this year. Such a pretty bizarre looking flower. The orange blooms have been great for attracting Baltimore orieals(sp?). I enjoy your blog.

  2. Orioles are all over the place here. I saw one fly across the yard yesterday and didn't see where he came from. Maybe it was the tulip tree. I had no idea they liked these trees. I'll have to keep my eye out. That would be very cool to have them so close.
    Thanks so much for reading my blog :-)
