Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Pond photo

Here it is!

The only thing not done in this photo is spreading that big pile of mulch. But that doesn't really affect the pond. I took this photo Sunday evening before calling it quits for the weekend. The reflection on the water makes it a little hard to see details so I'll explain.

This view is from the front door stoop. The gravel bog filter is the area at the close end of the pond that contains plants and doesn't look as though it has any water. The rocky lump at the far end of the pond, between the wheel barrel and the pile of mulch, is the waterfall.

More plants are needed around the edges of the pond. You can see one that I've placed near the waterfall. It came from my old, small pond and survived the winter in a shallow pan of water. There is a waterlily in the far right corner that purchased a week ago and a clump of water hyacinth floating in the center to provide a little shade for my gold fish. The majority of the plants I've purchased so far are in the bog filter. There is a water canna, cardinal flower, bog bean, two Louisiana water iris, a variegated sweet flag, two pickerel rushes, a taro (annual), something called a water wisteria, and two blue rushes. You may notice a small pot sitting in the gravel. That's a chocolate mint that my uncle gave me. I've heard it will grow in the pond, but that it's pretty aggressive. So I'll put it in a pot. There is also a plant with small yellow flowers in the bog that I pulled out of a puddle in a gravel parking lot the other day. It looks like a buttercup. I'll check it out and let you know.

It all seems to be working well. Most of the plants have been in the pond for over a week and they all appear to be growing. The water canna and the pickerel are blooming. The gold fish from my old pond that lived in the aquarium downstairs all winter were moved into the pond on Friday. They look healthy and happy.

Yay! And I still love the splashy sound of the waterfall.

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