Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The pond's prettiness

The pond is done. It's just maintenance now. This photo was taken early in the morning from my front door stoop. Even in this beginning state, I think it looks pretty. The plants tucked in the rocks outside of the pond that I mentioned in my last post will hide a lot of the gaps and unnatural looking edges. So I think it will just get better. You can see the green wire fence I put up to keep the dogs out of the bog and off the rocks while the plants get established. With any luck they will quickly find a route they like to the pond's edge and forget they can walk on the gravel in the bog. Lucky for me the wire doesn't obscure much of the view and barely shows up in photos :-)


  1. looks like a relaxing place.

  2. Thanks Bryan. It is a relaxing place. In a couple of years the hedge I planted near the road will fill in and it will be a lot more private. But even now it is a nice place to be.
