Sunday, December 29, 2013

Now it has walls

I am doing a little catch up today. We have visited the farm twice since my last post - and celebrated Christmas with the boys and visited with family. I'm sharing photos from our first visit to the farm in this post. I think it was on Dec. 21.
Here we are. Brent is the master of timed self portraits :-)
Just to keep things consistent I have been starting the photos from near the spot where we envision a parking area for visitors. So here it is…

view from parking area
Close-up of entry area (and the view to the South from our kitchen-to-be) 
As before, I continue around our home-to-be in sort of a counter clock-wise direction. Hopefully we can all see how the thing takes shape as I photograph from approximately the same location each time.
view from Southwest corner
 Here's a close-up of the 2 story mass wall that still has forms because it needed a second pour.
Pretty tall :-) 
Continuing around…
Southeast corner
View from East
View of Northeast corner
North (basically, the garage door)
The view of the front door from directly West is pretty neat - even though it won't be the way the entrance will be approached when all is done. But it makes for a dramatic picture and this view should be a nice one for appreciating the progress.
View of front door from West (it's that inside corner)

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