Sunday, December 29, 2013

The forms are off!

The walls of the foundation look beautiful. We were happy to be able to visit with our oldest son, Blaine, his girlfriend, Kristin, and her mom, Toni, at the farm a couple of days after Christmas. It was beautiful and sunny (and muddy) - a perfect day for a tour.

Here's a people pic :-)
Our guests
I'll take you on the same path as before - clockwise from the parking area (which is the photo above) and ending again at the front door.
view of Southwest corner 
South side (cropped to show sunspace)
Southeast corner
view from East
view of Northeast corner

view from the North (the garage)
And the grand finale: the front door!
The front door from directly West
There may not be much to see in the next group of photos - but maybe. I think the tubing for the radiant heating in the lower level slab will need to go in before the flat work there. So that could be exciting ;-)

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