Saturday, December 14, 2013

While we wait...

Trying to build the foundation of a home in this weather takes patience. Or perhaps, building a home is an exercise in patience regardless of the time of year. In either case, our challenge is to wait.

While we wait, we shop and try to envision without re-inventing or re-thinking. I have been pouring over Craig's List looking for building materials, lights, etc. And Brent, being the more productive (showing me up!), built this…
South view of model

Northwest corner of model

This is a 1:30 scale model of our new home. Yes, he is talented and can find ways to make things out of material bound for the landfill better than anybody I know. He scaled the plans and used a laser cutter over a weekend to build this. It is really fun to peek in the windows.

The large tan area on the north side of the model is the garage. He actually has walls and trusses for it, but hasn't had time to assemble those yet.

We love the look of the house. And it's been fun putting it near a window to see how far into the house rays of sun will shine. Those mass walls in the sunspace should be able to warm up most of the day and then slowly release that warmth for us all night.

The model has displaced my Christmas cactus in the center of our dining room table. It's a much better display and conversation starter.

More to come soon!

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