Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Garage, Summer Kitchen, and a flower with heritage

Kind of a strange list of subjects. But they were all part of our Earth Day this year.

Last year, a wonderful woman to whom I already owe much, gave me a gift. Margaret, the mother of my husband's late wife (and grandmother to 3 of our boys), thinned her iris bed. Those irises had come from her mother's home.

This year those beautiful flowers are blooming at our suburban Shawnee house. And next year, at least some of them, will make their home with us at Happy Apple's Farm.

Purple Iris - a gift from Margaret
I love knowing the history that connects me through the things around me to other people. That knowledge feels like respect, appreciation and love. Each bloom like this one is a reminder of the kindness and generosity that exists around me. This bloom has brought a smile to the faces of many. I feel that when I see it and I'm happy to add my smiling face to the list.

Smiling is something that Brent and I have been doing a lot lately. Every visit to the farm to see the progress leaves us incredibly happy. Our visit yesterday was no exception.

The north side of the house has been slow to see much development beyond the two slabs. That is, until yesterday… 
East side of the house - Summer Kitchen framing and garage walls

View of Northeast corner of house - Brent in the Summer Kitchen -
roof trusses for the kitchen and Summer Kitchen lying on ground to left

View from North showing garage walls

View from parking area.
The entry is beginning to take shape there behind the maple tree.
With the delivery of roof trusses on Monday, the crew is working hard to build the non-SIP-construction parts of the house. It shouldn't be long before the roof finishes the entire shape!
I hadn't thought of the need for a header on the front entry. But there is a roof over that area that will define the space and protect visitors waiting to enter.

We hope it will be a spot that draws people to our door :-)

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