Sunday, April 6, 2014

Slabs are in!

The garage floor.

No, it's not wet, but it sure looks that way. There is a really shiny sealer on it and the dusty lines are cuts. Each side also has drains in the center. You can see in the photo that the Summer Kitchen slab is also in. (Please ignore the mud in the upper right corner of the lens - kind of blends with the tree.)

What follows is the regular counter-clockwise series of photos around the house.
Here is the West side, looking at the future front door.

Southwest corner. You can see the real floor of the lower level. It will be stained.
Sorry I still haven't cleaned the mud off the camera lens!

Close-up of the PEX tubes in the Northwest corner of mechanical room - allowing us to run 5 zones.

South side of the house.
(later Brent and I laid on the warm floor in the sunspace and just marveled at the blue sky)

Southeast corner of the house

East side of the house (pretty much looks the same).

And this is the view from the front door :-)
Today we met again with the Greg Wheeler who will build the rock retaining walls. Those will change the look of the West and East sides of the house significantly. Brent and I are really excited about the beauty and interest those will add. I think they should be in by June - just in time for some really hardy, heat-loving native perennials to get started!

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