Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lower level SIPs panels are in!

Today was the day - the day I could walk into our house because now it has some walls!
This was my first view when I arrived late this morning.
The crew had already done quite a bit of work.
They lifted and placed the panels with a SkyTrak - a fork lift on the end of an "arm."
The panels are tied to the forklift to move them to the house.
Then the crew positions the panel and attaches it to the foundation and other wall.
Close-up of a wall sitting on the foundation.
What follows is the usual counter-clockwise series of photos - starting at the parking area.
parking area

West side

Southwest corner

South side

Southeast corner

East side

Summer Kitchen (Northeast corner)

 And this is something totally new! The inside :-)

Inside view of Southwest corner

Inside view of Southeast corner

The view that we will see when we come home :-)
That's pretty darn awesome - couldn't have framed it better!

One of the first plum blossoms at Happy Apple's Farm

And it's just the beginning - there is much more to come!

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