Thursday, April 17, 2014

Upper level is taking shape

Our house is now visible from the road!
view from the North driveway gate
view from Parking area

Front door (view from West)

Southwest corner

Southeast corner

East side

Northeast corner
North side (garage)
Something you may notice - the doors and windows, for the most part, are covered by a layer of wood. They will be cut out when all the walls are up and the crew is ready to install the windows.

Here's something new. The upper level!! This defines the actual height of the house and is the part that's now visible from the road - at least you can see the top of it as you drive by.
View of living room from Kitchen
 The lower level is completely covered now. There are also the beginnings of a couple of walls that needed to be constructed to support floor trusses near the stairwell.
Lower level view from East to West 

Lower level view from South showing stairwell and bathroom wall

Lower level view from West to East
There won't be many more opportunities to see the downstairs as the bedroom walls are built. Three bedrooms was a lot to fit into that space. But we have a transition plan that will allow us to open things up as our boys "leave the nest."

One more view of the "actual" view from the big window upstairs. Wow!

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